To be continued in chapter three. Over here her only escape seemed to be a dark alley just ahead, she quickly turned into the darkness and hurried along clutching the stretched top of her dress that had slipped down even farther and was just barely covering her sensitive nipples! She had glanced back expecting these men to be right behind! But was surprised at first, then somewhat disappointed that they had not seemed to followed her? As Deanna made her way farther down the alley she could see lights and the lit up sign that said “Black Cobra” it was still some distance and across the street from the alley, she could not believe her luck, as she was almost halfway their?
As a half naked white female in a dark alley in the poor black section of the city she was both excited and scared to death! Her heart and breasts were almost pounding out of her dress, again with mixed emotions of escape or being dreadfully raped! In only moments she would be safely in the bar with Darryl.
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